Best Strategy for Growing Seeds at Home

The Best Way to Start Seeds

If you’ve ever planted 100 seeds and only had a handful sprout, you know how frustrating and time-consuming it can be. The easiest method I’ve found to guarantee strong seedlings is the paper towel method! Here’s how it works if you’d like to try:

  1. Dampen a paper towel (it should be moist, not soaking wet). Wring out if required.

  2. Place your seeds evenly on one half of the paper towel, then fold it over to cover them.

  3. Put the folded paper towel in a plastic container or a sealed ziplock bag to keep the moisture in. (The seeds need to be in a moist environment to sprout!)

  4. Store it in a warm, dark place for 1-2 weeks. I generally just put them in the back of a drawer.

  5. Check regularly and once you see tiny sprouts, pick the strongest ones. Carefully plant them in soil!

This method ensures that your plants have already started growing before they hit the soil, reducing waste and increasing success rates.

Final Tips for Success

Use fresh scraps – The healthier the scrap, the better the regrowth.
Give them light – Once transplanted, place your plants in a sunny spot. EXTRA TIP: If my plants are indoors, I like to use extra grow lights in the Winter for added light and warmth.
Be patient – Some veggies take longer to regrow than others. (This was a hard one for me to learn lol)
Experiment – Try different vegetables and see what works best in your space!

By regrowing vegetables from kitchen scraps, you can enjoy fresh, homegrown produce without spending extra money. Whether you’re starting your first garden or just looking for an easy way to be more sustainable, these methods will set you up for success. Planting your own food is so rewarding. Happy gardening!

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